Fire Man Vs. Tengu Man
The inked version |
does means "Inked Version" ? |
The first version of Comic 1: Fire Man Vs. Tengu Man
was published based on a pencil grayscale version long time ago. It was successful on that
days (26/Nov/98) but I wasn't happy with the perfomance of the pages. As it was a
pencil-made comic, its files were too big ( 60 to 130kB each one ), even using a 16
grayscale palette. That implied long load times. That's ok for single images on galleries,
but for an On Line Comic that had to be too heavy and boring, even for an otaku. Comic 1
occupied a total of 3.8 MB. Too much for an 11MB free account.
I found that black & white images (2 colors) would
be the solution. Sadly the direct conversion via software of the original grayscale files
to black & white resulted on an inferior quality. That leaves me only one option: to
ink the comic, giving him a manga looking, but without grays.
But until that I had started comic 2 and I planned to
use that technique on it. Comic 2 was ready to be inked from the beginning, and as a
result it contained really small files, more area, better quality and more pages. I did
the same thing with comic 3. But an space problem with my server forced me to look back
and ink comic 1.
you didn't make Comic 4 first to then get back and ink Comic 1? |
Before the inked version of Comic 1 was uploaded, my
Geocities account reached his lowest value of free space available: 0.448 MB! With an
average of 0.900 MB per inked comic , to make Comic 4 first could be an useless effort
because I didn't had enough free space to upload it. The only way to release space
was to ink Comic 1 and overwrite the old files with the new optimized ones. The result was
impressive: from 3.8 Mb, the new comic 1 was only 679KB. This is : 6 TIMES SMALLER.
you just didn't move to another server? |
Without doubts that would be the simplest solution,
but after seen the quality of Comic 2 and Comic 3 my proud didn't let me to store a comic
like Comic 1 with that evident lower quality. Now ALL my comics are inked.
I'm glad for had that space problem, otherwise maybe I
would never have to ink that great comic. Move my site is still a tentation, but now I
have the space to stay here for a long time.
would like to see the original grayscale files. Are they on another server? |
Right now they only exists on my HD as a remembrance.
I won't upload them to another free server unless somebody really interested ask me for
that service (sorry, my e-mail doesn't support big attachments). If you are interested,
e-mail me.
noted that you were talking about this inking topic since May of 99 and you finish it
THREE MONTHS later! If Comic 3 was larger and took you only 1 month and a half to ink it
... Why this big delay? |
Good question. You must be an old visitor :) The
true is when I made Comic 3 I was on vacations and counted with a lot of free time (not a
lot really). Comic 1 took so long because several problems, projects, exams,
wild parties, etc, etc. It was hard because my only free time was late on nights ... and
there were weeks when I did nothing.
If you have a good eye, you'll note the quality of the
inking on the first pages is similar to the quality of Comic 2 or 3, but through the pages
(and months) it's getting better and better, with more details, crosslines, more shadows
and effects. Months doesn't pass in vain. Furthermore, if you compare my art of Fire Man
and Tengu Man in that comic with the last one on my poster above this page you'll note
that my art got better too.
you mean when you inked Comic 1 you didn't remake any artwork? |
Exactly. I didn't change anything. This isn't a
remake work. This is an ink work. During the inking period I noted some errors like
proportions or mirror effects that a couldn't see before. I guess that means that my art
got better. I let all that errors for the records
and what we can expect from Comic 4? |
Better artwork, more pages and a lot of action.
Now I'm ready!
I couldn't find the translations of the comics? |
All the comics are translated. Each comic has a main
page that you access through the home page. Skip any Spanish text and look for this words
English Translation
or something similar. Open it on a new
window and you're ready to read the translation while you follow the action in the
previous window.
plotline doesn't match with my favorite fan fiction writer ... Why? |
Sorry, I developed my own plotline before the internet
word appeared on my dictionary. I hope to start my plotline section soon. :)
Remember that you can always see this page and all the Comic 1 related stuff just
clicking on my Comic 1 link on my Online
Comics page. |
During the development of this section (01/Sept/99) :
- Geocities was my host.
- Comic 4 was not ready
- My plotline section was not ready