Happy New Year!

I love the new year time. It's a time to look back and think about all the good things that we made during the ending year ... and it's time to feel happy cause there's a new year coming full of chances, hopes and dreams. I  want to believe that a new year will bring us hapiness and good fortune... and it doesn't cares if it happens or not ... the new year is always welcome and wanted ...

Well, how is the new year in your side. We have a tradition called the "Año Viejo" (the Old Year Doll). That doll is a representation of all the bad things that happened during the ending year, this is 1999. Almost every family builds his own Old Year Doll. The objective of this doll is to burn it at 31/Dic/99 night, exactly at 12:00:00 when the ending year is death and the new year borns. Every family is watching at the clock in their houses and when the time comes, we jump to street with our doll and see how the other families brings their dolls and start to burn them in the middle of the street. Is darn funny ^_^. In that moment people start to throw to the flames some home made petard and you can hear explosions from everywhere. Around the flames people start to scream "Happy New Year" between music and explosions. The feeling is so unique and spontaneous that I think in that date people is more happy than in Christmas. Come to Ecuador during this time and you'll see. Almost forget, the theme of the doll is whatever you want. This year people made dolls form Dragon Ball Z characters (cool) and Teletubbies (urk!), and our President will be burned by almost everybody (he's reaaaally hated) I saw yesterday a 2 meters Goku and a 2.4 m Cell!! ^_^ I think they were too popular this year. I mean it, kids are more happy than in Christmas seeing this master pieces. If we made political dolls it means that we hate them, and if we made TV characters dolls (anime, WWF, or El Chapulín Colorado) that means we love them ^^

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I'm every year getting worried about which image will be the last IRA/9X image. Of course it's not here cause it will be surely a paper image, but the top image and the left button were my last CG in that order (OK, the button shouldn't be considered a real CG cause is pretty simple ... whatever it's here). This was the last IRA/98 CG ... wanna see it?

And I was wonderign how should I sign my new images ??!! IRA/00 ?? IRA/Y2K??!! IRA/2K?! Nah, I guess IRA/2000 sounds good enough ... This happens every year but the change 9X to 2000 is unique! O_o

I don't like to talk about what I'm going to do this year ... (I'm pretty superstitious with that ^^) ... but at least I can be happy cause my artwork became darn better during 1999. Better faces, better eyes, better bodies, better poses, better backgrounds, better "cough, cough!" ... better CG effects, better HTML, better english (hey, that's not art). I'm not saying "I'M GOOOOD", I'm saying I became better ... I'm always trying to be better than me ... so if in that process I became better than someone, well, bear with me ^_^ I'm far away to be happy with my artwork cause I can see some errors ... so I'll try to overcome them!! I learned a lot visiting MM and art pages ... I think I only can say thanks to you all ... Hopefully this year will be better for this page ....

Anyway, I wish you all a happy happy happy new year!! ...

Hell yeah, 2000 the first 20XX year at last is here and the world isn't over! Take that improvised doomsday prophets! XD XD XD