Mega Man

The Legend

Here he is. Mega Man . First of 8 brothers. Created by the Dr Light. Serial mumber 001. Most say that at first he wasn't design for the war, but , like her sister Roll , was projected like laboratory assistant. I ask myself, assistant for what? Had thought Light some more important project that what already had obtained? A perfect, agile, intelligent humanoid and all that? Well,  who knows.

He has not physically changed much during these years, however his mentality already has been able to grow and to learn much of which he has seen. He was in the beginning like a kid, a little timid, but fascinated by the humans. Now throughout the battles he has become a warrior without equal, a super hero. I don't believe that he enjoys being a soldier. However,  he's very good on that and apparently it's his destiny to fight.

If Mega Man is your friend, he'll be for ever. He is somebody that can be trusted. Count on him. For that reason I'm glad that he does not live between the human beings, because would not lack some smarty that it would take advantage of his nobility and good faith. Bass has been the only rat that has managed to take advantage of its naivete (in Mega Man 7). Then for a human it must much more be easy.

Mega Man has been designed to protect ALL human life. This premise is over protecting his own life or the one of another machine. But it also has own will. Therefore their primary instructions are values (like moral values) and therefore easily, in relation to other machines, these values can be violated!

"We'll be a family again!"


The Sad Eyes Warrior

Why  Mega Man fights against the Dr Wily? Because Wily is the bad one and Mega Man is the good one? I always thought about an excuse different from that somewhat old-fashioned thesis when I made Mega Man 1. I have here what happened in my history (hiper-summarized): The first generation of robots intelligent: Mega Man, Roll, Cut Man, Guts Man, Bomb Man, Ice Man, Elec Man and Fire Man quickly caught the attention of the Dr Wily. He wanted to use them for his plans of world-wide conquest!

Mega Man was one of the robots more spontaneous of the group. Damn, he loved to all his brothers! But Wily robbed to the six that already we know, he reprogramed and  turned them into assassins. Mega Man, in spite of all the love that it had by his brothers, had to arm itself of value and of going to stop them since their six brothers could destroy any army,  Light thought that it would not be thus with his modified son. Mega Man hated and hates to Wily because he forced him to destroy his brothers.

Since then, when Mega Man is before Wily, he becames darkest and violent . Totally opposed to when he is with Roll or his father. When Wily returns, the flame of hatred and the memory of their destroyed brothers gives force him for keep fighting, in an endless search of revenge and justice...

Uff... intense, eh? Scared of Mega Man?. Ha! X is much more bad and tough that Mega Man, Oh yeah! Be aware of him! When Mega Man is not in combat, he's incredibly sociable and friendly. While you do not remember to him the past, you will spend a good time with him.


When everything finishes...


When everything finishes, that is, when it happens the definitive transition of Mega Man to Mega Man X, I will really miss the world of Mega Man since already here he has a true family with the Dr Light, Roll and his mascots. So far, I have seen X does not have anything of that. Hardly he has a battle partner (friend)   Zero, and the responsibility to lead the Maverick Hunters against any Reploid force that it wants to harm the humans.

Still I believe in the possibility that X is in fact Mega Man, but hope that Capcom makes something different, that X is another robot different from    Mega Man, harder and colder, and than he doesn't worry much about his past . I don't believe that Mega Man is deserved to wake up in the future and to discover that all those that knew, their friends, their family, do not exist any more, and than he, like machine, is condemned by all the eternity to remember what is lost for ever.


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