Proto Man

Proto Man

Proto Man was the first robot. Serial number 000, created first than Mega Man.

For some reason he disappeared when neither Mega Man nor nobody existed. Some say that there was an accident, an explosion and puf! " good bye Proto Man ", disappeared. Where he went? Why he went away? Others say that he lost himself in a desert island, who know's how, ha ha.

Already I know is that Mega Man does not know of his existence until Mega Man 3, that is to say, here has some encounter with him throughout game (and if you allow it he'll destroy you) but not is until the end that Mega Man takes a registry from his father and begins to read pages in order descendent and, when it exceeds the barrier of his page, that believed was the last one, discovers that there was one more. A photo with the face of the robot that was been facing.
Mega Man understands that it has an alive brother and he was who saved to him to die with Wily . I must admit that that moment, along with the song which they touched of background, was sublime. That was the best thing than I have seen of Proto Man.

Did you liked my narration, fans of Proto Man? Good, then continue reading. After that Proto Man it would continue having sporadic appearances in the following titles of the series, giving you certain aids and those things and still it seemed to me an interesting personage, but after all, the conflicts had finished on him. Proto knew to his Earth place and point.

When everything finishes...

Zero "The Last IRA/98" Am I going to miss Proto Man? No way! This guy no longer contributes in anything in the game. I know that at this moment I am gaining many enemies, but, uf, fans of Proto Man, keep reading ...
I have dealed with at all costs which this personage is just a little bit cool but I have not been able. Perhaps if someday I write Mega Man 3 at least can provide an interesting personality to him, but due that I have seen of him in the games, he does not make great thing.
ZERO, that fellow is interesting and the best thing than could have made Capcom is that it dies in Mega Man X1, that relives in Mega Man X2, and to give the option of which you can play with him in Mega Man X3 and X4 after his fans anywhere in the world acclaimed it to shouts! Until he has a girl! (he had) That is interesting! Also it is his mysterious past with Wily. Excellent character! Until I would dare to say more interesting than X.

If sometimes X, and X is Man Mega, recovers the memory and remembers Proto Man, Do you really think that he'll miss him as much volume as to Roll or his father? to a robot that he saw only for whiles, gave certain little help to him and disappeared really fast? What problem has Proto? It does not like to spent time with his brothers? He believes that he is a tough guy? Bah! Proto Man was only interesting in Mega Man 3, where he had the conflict of not knowing how if to obey to Wily or to protect to Mega Man . From there, nothing. While I cannot play with him, he'll only be the masked one that appears, says some words to you, and it leaves blown (Come'on, Capcom, make me eat that words)


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