Fire Man Lives was one of the coolest experiences in my life.But everything has an ending and my site is the next oneint the list. So, let's see what I was able to do during all this time:

  • Around 100 pages of Online Comics !

  • 200+ CGs !!

  • 5000+ english hits and 3000+ spanish hits !

  • 70+ GB entries !

  • 15 MB of darn original stuff !!!

I only can say one thing:



You (Really pissed): "This is it?" "Will IRA close his site just like that?" "This sucks!"


No wait!! Wait a second! I never said that!! Com'on! I'm a an artist! An odd one, but I haven't ended yet! I have tons of projects in mind!! (Phew!)

Ok people ... A lot of you don't know about me or what I do here when I'm not drawing or CGing in my PC. Well, last year I used to have more free time and was able to update my site in a decent period. Actually I was ending my university studies and I was able to handle the site and the studies easily. The funny thing is that I yelled a lot in those days about my "small" free time. Damn! That was the heaven compared with my current situation. =P Yeah, we grow and we start to get more duties and responsibilities. And suddenly it comes a moment when we have to choose between the things tha we like to do and the things we have to do ... mostly for our relatives. And I guess that's what I'm doing during the last three months. It was proved again that everything in this life has its moment. And I used all this time to became a better proffesional in the field that I choosed as a carrer six years ago. Electric Engineering.

I got a job in a computer company and their are taking all my time!! (Somebody help me!!)

Ah, well! It's not that bad. =_0 I will survive. Anyway I was going to end this site sooner or later because the account is filled and I wanted to open a new different site more flexible. You know, something not just related to my buddy Fire Man here present, something more general where I may show fan art of other series appart of the MM saga.

So I was surfing here and there and getting ideas of other great fan art sites and thinking "Mmmmhhh, I would like to try this and that" Or "Hey, I would like to draw a comic about that series too" And as the design of Fire Man Lives was limiting me a litte, I knew that my next site should be about everythig what I can create. I still don't know exactly how the site will look at the end, furthermore, I'll follow the MM line at least for during the first months, but don't get surprised if at any moment characters of other series just appear around there!

So I choosed a more general name for that new site! IT'S ALREADY ONLINE! AND IT'S GOT A NEW COMIC THERE!!

Remember the MMX comic that I talked about around Feb/00 ?? Some pages are there now!!

Yes, I'm pissed off ... Any problem?

The Fire Man Lives stuff will reamin here for ever! Don't worry! My burning site is not already done, so keep coming! Until that, take a look to my new crappy site!