What the heck is ...
Fire Man Lives!


Hi! I'm IRA and welcome to my old website. I created this section for begginers and anyone who came here for error or something ... and as a excuse to put another mini gallery ^^. Currently Fire Man Lives is a big museum section of my main site IRAGINATION. So, I guess you're here because you like fan art, comics and such things. This is the site where everything started. First as another Mega Man page, then the comics, and after that lots and lots of comic pages and fan art. Phew, too much work to just forget it. So, It'll be here forever (as long as this server allow it @_@) Let's start before Bass gets any madder!!


Here you can find tons of my comics not found on IRAGINATION'S comic section (comics with manga looking? ... whatever). Read them, download them, don't know, just take a look because they're the main atraction!! Big battles, bad attitude, Kodak moments and maybe ... uhm, some violence? Well, Teletubbies and Barney fans must be prudent >=). And for the records: I built the pages, wrote this and created the comics! Uhm, you may think the creator of this site isn't the same person who drew the comics ... I wonder why? =_0

Some comics are in Spanish. I guess the sensation is the same when you read mangas in Japanese Oo

Fire Art
There was a time where I spent lots of hours looking for Fire Man pics ... stuff really hard to find by the way. A single page where you can see cool Fire Man artwork drawn for other artists (fan and official, gifts and hacked ones ^^). I don't know if Fire Man, the Capcom guy, is really rude and has got a bad temper, but at least my version does! Hell yeah, I'm the ultimate Fire Man fan!

A huge section. Here you can check some profiles and comments of the MM characters in my comics. And of course more new images! Maybe we don't think the same about some MM characters ... however I hope you like the artwork ^^


This set of images tells you how to beat the Robot Masters in all the MM games from MM1 to MM8 and Rock Man & Forte. This section looks like a classic cheat page (the only one) ... Don't ask for more cause that's not my line. This is more a fan art oriented site!
I didn't draw the Robot Masters sprites, though. I took them from Rock Man & Forte. I just built the circles with the info of the games.


I put here my old images and some art tips. Old images are those which were replaced for new ones in other sections. It's more easy to find the old images (everyone is here) than the new images (everywhere except here). The only way to check new images and sections is checking the news. I wasn't too organized in this site.
Art tips are some comments about the techniques that I've used in some works of my site. Usually they are interesting, but please, don't take them as rules or tutorials ... I'm learning and experimenting new techniques here too!

Well, I've captured some Fire Man sprites from the Nes, Snes, Genesis and Game boy MM games and they are all here. I also made some tiny animations with those sprites. I love animation ^^. Anyway other non_Fire_ Man sprites and animations are around there

This site never was a rom, cheat codes, midi, mp3 or big sprite database. But I have to admit that, as another Mega Man fan, I've been a big collector of anything related to this series. So, if you're ready for some big downloads, check this mess section! There are also more MM fan artists! Fan art, manga scans, fan fiction, funny and interesting comments are my favorite sites. They are all here!

To keep the legend alive is a hard task

If you are courious enough, you can check the whole history of this site in the records. Any change to this site now is covered on IRAGINATION's news section.


More than a fan art site this became a too personal site where I showed my art experiments and improvements. I had big time building all this so I hope you find all this interesting and maybe you can start your own comic creations. ^_^ The only rule: Please don't take and claim my images as yours ... uhm... nobody will believe it anyway because my artwork is well known. I hate those harsh messages but almost every artist put something related on their sites. �� (bad experiences?)
Why I built  this site? Uhm, I love to draw ... and I'm learning some english here too ^^ Be nice and have fun!


Artwork,  page design and original characters, unless noted Copyright � Iv�n Rodr�guez Asqui / IRA
Fire Man and other Mega Man Characters are � & ™ Capcom Entertainment Inc